Four Spanish Firms Team on Electric Aircraft Propulsion Project

Within the framework of the 2023 Aeronautical Technology Programme, Embention, Fiber Laminates, Zelestium and Abervian, leaders in different aspects of aircraft and electrification, have joined forces on the ELECTRA project.

A cutting-edge initiative addressing the electrification of the Martin 3 S100, a dual seat aircraft with 600 Kg MTOW.

ELECTRA’s main objective is the development electric power and propulsion components for manned electric aircraft, including vehicles with fixed wing and vertical take-off aircraft capabilities (eVTOL). This project, funded by CDTI, relies on advanced battery technologies, propulsion unit optimization and advanced energy management systems to provide innovative and sustainable solutions for the electric aviation industry.

Aircraft electrification represents a revolution in the industry, opening the door to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future. By using electric motors instead of internal combustion engines, electric aircraft generate zero direct emissions, contributing significantly to the fight against climate change and improving air quality in urban environments.

In addition, ELECTRA aims to reduce aircraft noise, improving the quality of life of communities near airports and reducing noise pollution. The energy efficiency of electric motors translates into lower energy consumption, while the reduced mechanical complexity reduces maintenance costs and increases operational reliability.

In this collaborative project, Embention, the leader of the consortium, will design and manufacture the high-performance electric power block, combining, motor, controller and propeller, as well as implement a fly-by-wire control system with distributed redundancy to ensure system reliability in compliance with aircraft certification standards.

Fiber Laminates, which specialises in the manufacture of ultralight aircraft, will play a key role in adapting an existing Martin 3 S100 aircraft to integrate the electric propulsion and vertical take-off system. This involves structural and systems modifications to maximise the efficiency and safety of the electric aircraft.

Zelestium will focus on the development of cutting-edge battery technologies, designing and manufacturing high capacity, efficient and durable batteries adapted to aeronautical application.

Abervian, specialising in battery management systems (BMS), will develop an advanced BMS that will monitor and control the state of charge, temperature and other key battery parameters, ensuring efficient use of stored energy and maximising battery life.

ELECTRA represents a bold step towards a cleaner, quieter and more efficient aviation future, demonstrating the commitment of these four leading companies to driving innovation and sustainability in the electric aviation industry. This project promises not only to transform the way we fly, but also to contribute significantly to the preservation of the environment for future generations.

Source: Press Release

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