NASA Can Now Predict Sinkholes Before They Happen

la-sinkNASA researchers have found a way to predict a sinkhole before it happens.The researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California have taken thorough looks at data that will spot sinkholes as they form before the surface collapses. This will be done using a technology called InSAR or Interferometric Syntheti Aprture Radar.

“After the sinkhole happened in Louisiana, I learned about it, and I looked at the data to see what we can see.  So it was quite a surprise that we can see it [sinkhole],” said radar scientist Cathleen Jones a researcher for NASA.

“Since I work for an aircraft radar it’s kind of expensive and time consuming to deploy,” said Jones over Skype. “So it’s better to use satellites for that kind of study where you’re doing more than a pilot study. And there are satellites that can be used at this time and also the U.S. plans to launch a satellite in the future.”

The radar’s function gathers data that shows the earth’s surface moving sideways. This is a big sign of a potential sinkhole forming, and this allows them to take initiative before it happens.

“While horizontal surface deformations had not previously been considered a signature of sinkholes, the new study shows they can precede sinkhole formation well in advance,” said Jones. “This kind of movement may be more common than previously thought, particularly in areas with loose soil near the surface.” She added.

Every year, sinkholes wastes millions of dollars, and unnecessary loss of life. Any subtle movement seen by the radar will allow the avoidance of a grave situation.

“When there is small movement prior to a catastrophic collapse, such subtle precursory clues can be detected.”

Although fatalities are a rare occurrence from sinkholes, a man was engulfed by the hole in under his home and lost his life.

Source: Design&Trend

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